How do I add a slide to the Carousel?
- Click on Carousel: Add on your Admin Panel (if not enabled, please email us).
- Enter Name - This does not display, it is simply to enable you to identify the slide.
- Enter Page where you want the slide to appear, or select default display to display on all pages.
- Enter Caption (optional) - text that is overlaid on the bottom of the slide.
- Enter Image ALT text (optional) - text that will display if there is an error loading the slide.
- Enter Link (optional) - you can link the slide to a page or file on your site, or to an external website - enter the full website URL (address), eg. http://www.test.com/linktopage.htm.
- Upload File: click the Browse button and locate the image file you want to upload - JPG, PNG and GIF files are supported (** see notes below).
- Click to submit.
- Slides will display by default from the most recently uploaded - order can be customised on request.
- The time each slide displays and the transition time between each slide can be adjusted on requested.
- The system will automatically resize the slide when you upload it so you don't have to worry too much about the original size, however for best results all the slides on a particular page should be the same ratio of height to width.
- The carousel will automatically display on a page once the first slide for that page has been uploaded.
- TIP: although the system supports PNG and GIF files, it is usually preferable to use JPG files for images, unless the image is line art or has large areas of the same colour. The JPG file size is usually considerably smaller - your pages will therefore load much quicker.
Date Added: 2018-11-15