EasyCMS Website Developer


How do I copy and paste content from a MS Word document?

NOTE: While it is technically possible to copy and paste directly into your webpage from a MS-Word document, this is generally not recommended due to the excessive amount of styling code these documents usually contain.  This can result in webpages that are unnecessarily large (therefore slow), as well as unpredictable formatting that may be apparent in some browsers but not in others.

Copy as plain text, then re-format (preferred method)

  1. Open your MS Word Document, then copy the required text to the clipboard as usual using Right Click > Copy; or <CTRL><C> from your keyboard. 

  2. From your Admin Panel, open up the webpage you want  to paste the text into, then position the mouse cursor in the webpage Edit Window at the position you want the text to appear. 

  3. Click on the Paste as Plain Text icon on the menu bar.  After a few seconds, a pop up window will appear. 

  4. Click your mouse inside the edit box, the paste using Right Click > Paste; or <CTRL><V> from your keyboard. 

  5. Click <OK>   The text should now appear in your document, but totally unformatted. 

  6. Re-format the text as required using the standard edit options. 

  7. <Click to Submit> to save your updates.

Copy as MS-Word, with styling removed (optional)

  1. Open your MS Word Document, then copy the required text to the clipboard as usual using Right Click > Copy; or <CTRL><C> from your keyboard.

  2. From your Admin Panel, open up the webpage you want  to paste the text into, then position the mouse cursor in the webpage Edit Window at the position you want the text to appear.

  3. Click on the Paste from Word icon on the menu bar.  After a few seconds, a pop up window will appear.

  4. Click your mouse inside the edit box, the paste using Right Click > Paste; or <CTRL><V> from your keyboard.

  5. Click <OK>   The text should now appear in your document, with some of the formatting removed.

  6. Re-format the text as required using the standard edit options.

  7. <Click to Submit> to save your updates.

(This method will remove SOME of the excess formatting commands, depending on the exact nature of the document)

Date Added: 2008-10-08
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